Ava Blitz Catalogues and Press Excerpts
Brave/Smart, Philadelphia Selections 4, Levy Gallery, Moore College of Art & Design
Curated by Emma Amos
Ava Blitz's work exhibits passion and humor. She carves and molds zebrastone, limestone, alabaster, cement, and soapstone in an inventive display of skill and harmonious forms, balanced by discombobulating Necco-wafer colors and wild installation. . . . . These sculptures belong in public spaces, in trenchant installations at art parks, and on the rugs, mantelpieces, and walls of those of us who long for home, quiet solitude, and bold, beautiful boulders.
Curated by Julie Courtney.
Ava Blitz's work is both humorous and elegant.
Going Underground
by Roberta Fallon, Philadelphia Weekly
Recent archeological digs at Independence Mall turned up potsherds and other mundane relics from Ben Franklin's old neighborhood. But Ava Blitz's "Dig" in Bird Park is an art excavation of a different order. An installation of handmade sculptural multiples heaped, piled or lined up in three boxes, "Dig" suggests archeology all right, but it's the archaeology of fairy-tale lands dug up from some inner landscape of the mind. Blitz's objects, made of black and white pigmented concrete, are tiny mountains with improbable pencil-sharp points, shells so monstrously large they're appalling, and wavy sand dunes that seem to interlock like puzzle pieces. Recessed in a grassy mound of dirt in the park, the objects seem small and big at the same time. They snap back and forth between landscapes and familiar yet odd objects gathered in their collector's boxes. "Dig" is a piece that comes alive at night, when, lit dramatically from beneath, the boxes and their contents glow like open treasure chests, and big shadows loom, inviting thoughts of stranger realms where things are not what they seem. Through May 26. Bird Park, Third and Arch sts. 215.592.7752. www.galleryjoe.com
Nexus Gallery
Robert Fallon, Philadelphia Weekly
Standouts are Jody Pinto’s Fingerspan Bridge…..and Ava Blitz's Floating World, a small gem of colored biomorphic forms spilling down the front of a building at the University City Science Center.
Delaware Center for Contemporary Art
As an artist interested in the most basic forces, life and death, growth and decay, Ava Blitz creates abstract sculptures that are organic and elemental in form. The pieces in this exhibition suggest any number of interpretations. Her pieces reflect movement and metamorphosis, growth and transformation, an emergence from the earth, and a return to it.
Gerard Brown
Philadelphia Weekly
If you loved the fossils at the Natural History Museum when you were a kid, you may really get off on Window, sculptor Ava Blitz's current installation at the University of the Arts’ Window on Broad. Some reptilian part of the brain probably recognizes those twisted spikey shapes. How else can you explain the draw to such creepy forms, except through the lure of some forgotten family resemblance? Such is the grammar of Blitz's work, who makes her strangely familiar but delicately whimsical forms out of painted and dyed concrete.
New Additions Outdoors
Grounds for Sculpture Catalogue
Moby Dick has gone through cycles of fragmentation, growth, and renewal. In its newest installation, the multiples have been mortared together, creating yet another stage in the metamorphoses of the sculpture, and pushing the piece toward architecture....A love of stone and materials from the earth has developed through the artist’s exploration of natural and human history. In her artwork, this translates into an ambiguity between fossil and artifact.