946 Summit Road
Penn Valley, PA 19072
610 649-4872
resume - (printable PDF file)
Seasons, State of New Jersey Health Building, Economic Development Authority, Trenton, NJ 2020
Flying Carpet, Martin Luther King Older Adult Learning Center, City of Philadelphia 1% for the Arts, Philadelphia, PA 2018
Ridge Flats, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority 1% for Art Finalist ongoing 2018
15th St Station/City Hall Septa Art in Transit finalist, Philadelphia, PA 2015
Apple. NHS Forth Valley Royal Hospital, Scotland 2014
PINK, Philadelphia International Airport, City of Philadelphia 1% for the Arts, Philadelphia, PA 2013
Moby Dick II, Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, NJ 2004
Beauty & the Beast, Appel Farm Arts and Music Center, Elmer, NJ 2002
Time to Plant Tears, Whitemarsh Art Center, Plymouth Meeting, PA 2002
Our Town, Wilmington Boys & Girls Club Collaboration, Fraim Branch, Wilmington, DE 2002
Moby Dick, Franconia Sculpture Park, Shafer, MN 2000
Cornets & Wings and Archegonium, Abington Art Center & Sculpture Garden, Jenkintown, PA 1999
Floating World, University City Science Center & the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority 1% for Art 1998
Seeds of Memory Sculpture Garden, International Artists-in-Residence Facility, Tokyo, Japan 1993
Ava Blitz, Nobo, Bala, PA 2018
Ghost Horses, Lancaster Avenue Monarch Building, LOOK 2011, Philadelphia, PA 2011
In the Emperor’s Cherry Blossom Garden, The Philadelphia Cathedral, Philadelphia, PA 2009
Floating, Installation on the River at the Philadelphia Canoe Club 2009
Archaic Smile, Center for Emerging Visual Artists, Philadelphia, PA 2007
Forms of Existence, Philadelphia International Airport 2005
Zoo, Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, PA 2003
Primal, Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, DE 2002
Pebble Island, Brave/Smart, Philadelphia Selections 4, Levy Gallery for the Arts in Philadelphia 2001
Dig, Bird Park, Gallery Joe, Philadelphia, PA 2001
Window on Broad, Rosenwald Wolf Gallery, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA 1999
Inventory, Philadelphia Fringe Festival, National Showroom, Philadelphia, PA 1999
Stone Flower, Eight Contemporary Artists, Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA 1998
Stone Flower, Six, Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA 1998
Bird Baths, Sculpture Garden Invitational, Provincetown Art Museum, Provincetown, MA 1995
Stepping Stones, Outdoor Sculpture Invitational, Noyes Museum, Oceanville, NJ 1994
Time to Plant Tears, Contemporary Sculpture '94, Quietude Garden Gallery, Cranbury, NJ 1994
Solo Exhibition, Bryn Mawr College Centennial Gallery, Bryn Mawr, PA 1992
Solo Exhibition, Haverford College Comfort Gallery, Haverford, PA 1987
Mellon Foundation Fellow, Artist in Residence, Bryn Mawr College, 2014 http://youtu.be/WX12llCLWvA
Independence Foundation Fellowship 2008-09
Leeway Foundation Art and Change Grant 2008, Window of Opportunity Award 2003, 1999
Center for Emerging Visual Artists Fellow, Alumni Travel Grant, Study in Spain and France 2007
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Five County Arts Fund Grant 2006 and 2002
Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Artists & Communities Grant, Delaware Center for Contemporary Art Residency 2002
Appel Farm Arts and Music Center Residency Grants, 200-2002, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Community Arts Grant,
National Endowment for the Arts Challenge America Grant, Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Artist as Catalyst Grant,
Jerome Fellowship, Franconia Sculpture Park Residency 2000
Pennsylvania Council for the Arts Special Opportunity Stipend Award 2000
Japan Foundation Fellowship, International Artist-in-Residence Program, Tokyo 1993
Residency Fellow, Ford Foundation Grant, Cortona, Italy 1979
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Bryn Mawr College Scott Collection, University of Georgia, Price Waterhouse,
Alberta Art Foundation, 4Culture Seattle and Harborview Medical Center Collection Seattle
Spring Group Exhibition and International Variety Works on Paper, James Oliver Gallery, Philadelphia 2020 and 2018
Best in Show Exhibition, Photo Review, Sol Mednick Gallery, University of the Arts, Philadelphia 2019
5th Annual Contemporary Photography Competition/ Exhibition, Philadelphia Photo Arts, 2015 Whitney Richardson, Paige West Curators
Cast, The Sculpture Gym, Philadelphia, PA 2015
Corporeal, Borowsky Gallery, Philadelphia, PA 2012
Lunar Derangement, Dalet Gallery, Philadelphia, PA 2012
Wind, Jenkins Arboretum, Devon, PA 2010-11
Your Swimming Brain, Fleisher/Ollman Gallery, Philadelphia, PA 2010
Art in the Open, Schuylkill River Banks and Rosenwald Wolf Gallery, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA 2010
Digital, Long Beach Island Foundation for the Arts and Sciences, Loveladies, NJ 2010
Between Heaven & Earth, College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ 2008 (Eleanor Heartney, Juror)
Passion, Photography from Spain, Center for Emerging Visual Artists, Philadelphia, PA 2008
Sculpture Walk, Rosemont College, Rosemont, PA 2007
The Sculpture Garden at Trenton Plaza, Trenton, NJ 2005-now
Embracing the Arts, Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, DE 2004
Public Art, Concept, Process, Realization, Nexus Foundation for Today's Art, Philadelphia, PA 2000
Archeology, Sculpture in the Park, Allentown, PA 2000 & 96 (Sharks' Teeth)
Old World/New World-Common Ground, Budapest, Hungary 1999
Three Rivers Arts Festival: Sponsored by the Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 1999, 87, 85
Philadelphia Sculptors, Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, NJ 1998
25th, 21st & 20th Juried Exhibition, Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA 1996 (Merit Award), 88, 86
Ninth Rosen Outdoor Sculpture Competition and Exhibition, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 1995-96
Creative Artist Network Exhibitions: Creative Artists Network Gallery, Philadelphia, PA 1992-94
479 Gallery, NYC 1994, Stuart Levy Fine Art Gallery, NYC 1993, City Hall Installation, Philadelphia 1992
Imaging/Aging, Johnson and Johnson Corporation, New Brunswick, NJ & Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 1993
Works by Women Artists, William and Uytendale Scott Memorial Study Collection, Bryn Mawr College 1993
Watercolor USA, Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, MO 1992
Valley of the Dolls, Nexus Foundation for Today's Art, Philadelphia, PA 1991
Invitational Printmaking Exhibitions: Sponsored by The Print Club, Philadelphia, PA 1990-94
Perspectives from Pennsylvania, Works on Paper Invitational, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 1989
Photo Imagery/Bryn Mawr, Three-Person Show, Women in Photography Conference: Bryn Mawr College 1989
Cimarron National Works on Paper, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 1987
Rutgers National Works on Paper, Stedman Art Gallery, Rutgers University, Camden, NJ 1986
East/West Printmaking Exchange, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China and Tianjin Fine Arts College 1986
New Purchases Exhibition, Alberta Art Foundation, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 1983
48th S.E. Competition of Drawing/Printmaking, Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, NC 1980
25th Irene Leache Exhibition, Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, VA 1979
Panel- From Encoding, through Decoding, to Transformation, Conference of The Society for Literature, Science
and the Arts, Atlanta 2009 (see http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/exchange/SLSA)
Panelist- Community Arts Institute, Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation, Millville, NJ 2006 and 2001
Lecture-Z00, Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, PA 2003
Presenter-Annual Meeting of the Board, Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation, Baltimore, MD 2002
Interview-Delaware Community Partnerships, Delaware Center for Contemporary Art, WHYY Public TV 2002
Presenter-New Jersey Arts Education Collective Seminar, Appel Farm Arts & Music Center, NJ 2002
Panelist-Public Art, American Institute of Architects, Philadelphia, PA 1999
Juror- Altman Award, Swarthmore College Fine Art Department, Swarthmore, PA 1996
Audio Text Writing, Special Audiences, Philadelphia Museum of Art 1998
Lecture- Personal Work in Sculpture, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 1995
Lecture- An American Artist in Japan, History of Art Colloquium, Bryn Mawr College 1995
Juror- Trustees Achievement Award Committee Panel, External Consultant, West Chester University, PA 1995
Panelist & Lecturer- International Sculpture Symposium,, Tokyo 1993
Guest Artist- Junshin College, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan 1993
Lecture- Environmental Artists and Personal Work in Sculpture, Stuart Collection, University of California San Diego, 1993
Lecture-A Return to Figurative Art, Personal Work and Contemporary Trends in America, Fundacion Instituto International, Madrid 1989
Interview- WXPN, University of Pennsylvania non-profit radio 1984
Fine Arts Program Director, Associate Lecturer: Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA 1986-98
Leeway Foundation Grants & Awards 08, Philadelphia, PA 2008
Spring/Summer Exhibitions 2004, New Additions Outdoors, Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, NJ 2004
Art & Community, Visual Arts Residency Program, Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, DE 2002
Philadelphia Selections 4, Brave/Smart, Levy Gallery for the Arts in Philadelphia 2001
Philadelphia Sculptors 2000, Woodmere Art Museum & Philadelphia Sculptors, Philadelphia, PA 2000
Old World/New World- Common Ground, Hungarian Sculptors Association & Philadelphia Sculptors, Budapest 1999
Philadelphia Sculptors Exhibition Catalogue, Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, NJ 1998
Eight Contemporary Artists, Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA 1998
Six, The Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA 1998
Ninth Rosen Outdoor Sculpture Competition and Exhibition 95-96, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 1995
In 3 Dimensions:Women Sculptors of the 90's, Newhouse Cntr for Contemporary Art, Snug Harbor Cultural Center Staten Island NY 95
Artists-in-Residence Program, Tama Art Studio-Hinode, The Japan Foundation and Tama 21, Tokyo, Japan 1993
Remaking the Landscape, The Art of Ava Blitz; https://serendipstudio.org/exhibitions/blitz/
http://issuu.com/pennpraxis/docs/report_publicart (p14)
From Encoding, through Decoding, to Transformation; http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/exchange/SLSA
PAPER Reviews/Articles/Images
Victoria Donohue, ‘Corporeal’,The Philadelphia Inquirer, 02/10/12
Sally Friedman, ‘Outsider art’, The Philadelphia Inquirer, H 1, 06/06/10
Victoria Donohue, 'Galleries & Museums, MLUC Ava Blitz’, The Philadelphia Inquirer, L8, 04/13/08
Stephen Perloff, editor, Photo Review, 01-02/08
Monica Weymouth, Arts Agenda Last Chance, ‘Ava Blitz, Archaic Smile’, Philadelphia City Paper, 07/02/07
Lindsay Warner, ‘Ava Blitz Shows Her Stuff’, The Bulletin (Philadelphia), 06/08/07
Victoria Donohue, 'Exhibit on end of life', The Philadelphia Inquirer, L5, 03/27/05
M. English, 'Artist's Work full of beauty, mystery', The Colonial, Lafayette Hill Journal, p.1, 9/11/13, 10/15/03
Brian Bingaman, 'Stone Zoo on view', Times Herald, C1, 08/17/13
Christopher Willard, 'Materials and Methods', American Artist, p.13, 01/03
Roberta Fallon, 'See The Sights', Philadelphia Weekly, p.59, 5/22/02
'Time to Plant Tears', Times Herald, Plymouth Meeting Journal, Colonial, Montgomery County PA Newspapers 05/02
Edward Sozanski, 'Hinting at nature', Philadelphia Inquirer, p.W32, 11/16/01
Victoria Donohue, 'Pieces Abstract but Accessible', Philadelphia Inquirer, p.MC3,11/4/01
Edward Sozanski, 'Philadelphia picks: Not unfamiliar, but fine', Philadelphia Inquirer, p.W32, 6/29/01
Roberta Fallon, 'Speaking in Tones', Philadelphia Weekly, p.70, 6/6/01
Roberta Fallon, 'Going Underground', Philadelphia Weekly, p.61, 5/16/01
Anne Fabbri, 'Art and Artists', Philadelphia Daily News, 05/04/01
Dave McCoy, 'Philly aglow', The Wilmington News Journal, 04/20/01
'Newsbriefs', Sculpture Magazine, p.7, 6/2001 'On Record' and 'Commissions in Brief', Sculpture Magazine, 04//00, 03/00 and 10/98
Roberta Fallon, 'Public Art at Nexus', Philadelphia Weekly, p.59, 5/17/00
Gerard Brown, 'Open Window', Philadelphia Weekly, p.68, 06/30/99
Robin Rice, 'City Paper Choice '98', Philadelphia City Paper, p.42, 10/30/98
Barry Schwabsky, 'Tackling the Perennial Problems of Sculpture', The New York Times, 08/30/98
Purcell, Janet, 'Fifty from Philly exhibit at Grounds', The Trenton Times, 08/28/98
Marilyn J. Fox, 'The quirky art of introspection', The Reading Eagle, p.E2, 07/12/98
Geoff Gehman, 'Smaller is better', The Morning Call, Allentown, PA p.D10. 07/03/98
Kenneth Endick, 'Allentown museum continues tradition', The Express-Times, Bethlehem, PA, p.E7, 08/10/98
Edward Sozanski, 'Creativity', The Philadelphia Inquirer, 05/1/98
Gerard Brown, 'Strictly Sculptural', Philadelphia Weekly, p.22, 07/24/96
'Heads Above the Crowd-International Work', The Philadelphia Inquirer, 12/04/94
'International Artists -in-Residence', Tokyo Shimbun 1993
'Art Created by International Group', Asahi Shimbun, Tama Prefecture, Tokyo 10/16/93
'Tama Art Studio, Hinode Starts' , Shinbijutsu Shimbun (New Art Newspaper), page 3, Tokyo 07/1/93
New Creative Arts Center Open', Shuryie Shimbun, Tama Prefecture, Tokyo 06/11/93
'Artists-in-Residence', Artists' Network, page 11, Yokohama 8/20/93
Tama 21 Association Publications, Art and Cultural Program Division, Tama Prefecture, Tokyo
'Artists-in-Residence, Town Revitalization Through Art', & 'Tama Art Studio' Video, Tokyu Agency 1995
'Modern Art Integrated into Everyday Life', International Sculpture Seminar 1993 'Tama Art Studio' 1993
'Artists-in-Residence', AIR News, Volumes 1-4, 1993 'Artists-in-Residence', Voice 93, Vol. 11, September 1993
Victoria Donohue, 'Two on Faculty Show Dual Talents', The Philadelphia Inquirer, p.23, 04/19/92
Victoria Donohue, 'Free Form', Philadelphia Inquirer, 08/13/89
Adrienne Redd, 'Amid Works that Shine', Globe-Times, Allentown, PA January 1988
'The Art Will be Paper Thin', Camden Courier Post, Camden, NJ 03/07/86
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia Degree: Master of Fine Art
Ecole des Arts Decoratifs et des Beaux Arts de Strasbourg, France
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts |